「NX-OS の便利コマンド」の版間の差分

ナビゲーションに移動 検索に移動
53行目: 53行目:
   channel-group 1
   channel-group 1
=== show running-config diff ===
show run と startup の差分を表示する<syntaxhighlight lang="diff">
# show running-config diff
*** Startup-config
--- Running-config
*** 21,30 ****
--- 20,30 ----
  rmon event 1 log trap public description FATAL(1) owner PMON@FATAL
  rmon event 2 log trap public description CRITICAL(2) owner PMON@CRITICAL
  rmon event 3 log trap public description ERROR(3) owner PMON@ERROR
  rmon event 4 log trap public description WARNING(4) owner PMON@WARNING
  rmon event 5 log trap public description INFORMATION(5) owner PMON@INFO
+ ntp server use-vrf default
  vlan 1
  vrf context management
</syntaxhighlight>+ が未保存を意味する

=== show tech-support commands ===
=== show tech-support commands ===

2024年7月31日 (水) 09:41時点における最新版

Cisco Nexus スイッチは、ルータや Catalyst の IOS-XE とは別に便利なコマンドがあります。

IOS-XE / XR で実装されていないコマンドを中心に紹介します。

show コマンド

show running-config <Feature>


指定した機能 (Feature) 関連のコマンドのみ抜き出す

vPC の場合、interface Port-Channel のコンフィグは、vPC のみ抜き出され trunk などは見えない

OSPF の場合は以下のようになる

switch# show running-config ospf

!Command: show running-config ospf
!Running configuration last done at: Mon Jul 24 02:30:49 2023
!Time: Mon Jul 24 02:30:52 2023

version 9.3(4) Bios:version
feature ospf

router ospf 1

interface Ethernet1/3
  ip router ospf 1 area

show running-config interface po1 membership

Port-Channel とメンバー ポートの情報を抜き出して表示

switch(config)# int eth 1/1-2
switch(config-if-range)# channel-group 1 mode on
switch(config-if-range)# show running-config interface port-channel 1 membership

!Command: show running-config interface port-channel1 membership
!Running configuration last done at: Wed Jul 19 02:44:12 2023
!Time: Wed Jul 19 02:44:20 2023

version 9.3(4) Bios:version

interface port-channel1

interface Ethernet1/1

  channel-group 1

interface Ethernet1/2

  channel-group 1

show running-config diff

show run と startup の差分を表示する

# show running-config diff
*** Startup-config
--- Running-config
*** 21,30 ****
--- 20,30 ----
  rmon event 1 log trap public description FATAL(1) owner PMON@FATAL
  rmon event 2 log trap public description CRITICAL(2) owner PMON@CRITICAL
  rmon event 3 log trap public description ERROR(3) owner PMON@ERROR
  rmon event 4 log trap public description WARNING(4) owner PMON@WARNING
  rmon event 5 log trap public description INFORMATION(5) owner PMON@INFO
+ ntp server use-vrf default

  vlan 1

  vrf context management

+ が未保存を意味する

show tech-support commands

show tech で取得するコマンドを表示する

| include <トラブルシュート対象> で grep すると、知りたいコマンドを抜き出せて便利

switch# show tech-support commands | include cpu
Show tech brief will take  4-6 minutes to complete. Please Wait ...
show logging onboard cpu-hog
show logging onboard cpu-hog
show hardware internal cpu-mac mgmt counters
show hardware internal cpu-mac mgmt registers
show hardware internal cpu-mac inband counters
show hardware internal buffer info pkt-stats cpu
show hardware internal cpu-mac inband stats
show hardware internal cpu-mac eobc counters
show hardware internal cpu-mac eobc registers
show hardware internal cpu-mac inband registers
show hardware internal cpu-mac eobc stats
show hardware internal cpu-mac mgmt stats

show tech-support <Feature>

指定した Feature のトラブルシュート コマンドのログを取得

vxlan などが存在する

switch# show tech-support ?
  >                       Redirect it to a file
  >>                      Redirect it to a file in append mode
  aaa                     Display aaa information
  aclmgr                  ACL commands
  aclqos                  Show information for aclqos technical support
  adjmgr                  Display Adjmgr information
  all                     Gather detailed information for troubleshooting
  arp                     Display ARP information
  ascii-cfg               Show ascii-cfg information for technical support
  bcm                     Bcm hardware info
  biosd                   Gather bios install log for trouble shooting
  bloggerd                Gather detailed information for bloggerd
  bloggerd-all            Gather detailed information for bloggerd
                          troubleshooting from ALL modules
  bootvar                 Gather detailed information for bootvar
  brief                   Gather summary information for troubleshooting
  callhome                Callhome troubleshooting information
  cdp                     Gather information for CDP trouble shooting
  cert-enroll             Display certificates information
  cfs                     Gather detailed information for cfs troubleshooting
  cli                     Gather information for parser troubleshooting
  clis                    Gather information for CLI Server troubleshooting
  clock_manager           Gather detailed information for clock manager
  commands                Show commands executed as part of show tech-support
  copp                    Gather information for copp trouble shooting
  details                 Gather detailed information for troubleshooting
  dhclient                Gather information for dhclient trouble shooting
  dhcp                    Gather detailed information for dhcp troubleshooting
  dme                     Gather detailed information for dme troubleshooting
  ecp                     ECP (Edge Control Protocol)
  eem                     Show EEM tech-support information
  eltm                    Eltm debug info
  epp                     Gather detailed information for EPP troubleshooting
  ethpm                   Gather detailed information for ETHPM troubleshooting
  fc2                     Show information for fc2 technical support
  feature                 Gather detailed information for feature
  fib                     Gather detailed information for FC/FCoE FIB
  fib-all                 Gather detailed information for FC/FCoE FIB from all
  fips                    Show tech support information for security
  forwarding              Forwarding debug information
  gold                    Show gold tech-support information
  gpixm                   Gather detailed information for GLOBAL-PIXM
  ha                      Gather detailed information for HA troubleshooting
  ha_short                Gather shortened version of HA tech-support for
  icmpv6                  Display Icmpv6 information
  im                      Gather detailed information for IM troubleshooting
  inband                  Gather all information about inband data path
  include-time            Gather tech-support and capture time taken to execute
                          each command
  install                 Gather detailed information for rpm/package install
  interfaces (no abbrev)  Gather information for interfaces troubleshooting
  internal                Gather internal info for troubleshooting
  ip                      Display IP information
  ipqos                   IP QoS Manager
  ipv4                    Display IP information
  ipv6                    Display IPv6 information
  ipv6                    Display IPV6 information
  issu                    Gather detailed information for issu troubleshooting
  kstack                  Kstack information
  l2                      Gather detailed information for layer 2
  l2fm                    L2fm debug info
  l2pt                    Gather information for l2pt troubleshooting
  l2rib                   Display L2RIB information
  l3vm                    Display VRF information
  lacp                    Gather detailed information for LACP component
  license                 Display licensing information
  lim                     Gather detailed information for LIM troubleshooting
  logging                 Show information on logging for technical support
  m2rib                   Gather detailed information for M2RIB troubleshooting
  macsec                  Macsec debug info
  mmode                   Gather information for troubleshooting mmode
  module                  Gather info related to a module
  monitor                 Gather detailed information for monitor
  monitorc-all            Gather detailed information for LC MONITORC
  mpls                    MPLS
  mplsfwd                 Display MPLS forwarding information
  multicast               Display V4 Multicast information
  netstack                Gather information for NETSTACK troubleshooting
  nexus9000v              Gather information for Nexus 9000v virtualization
                          infrastructure trouble shooting
  nia                     NIA Element Python App
  npacl                   Display npacl information
  ns                      Gather detailed information for northstar asic
  ntp                     Gather information for NTP trouble shooting
  oim                     Display OIM information
  openflow                Openflow component
  page                    Page through the output
  patch                   Gather detailed information for patch troubleshooting
  pfstat                  Gather detailed information for pfstat
  pixm                    Gather detailed information for vdc-local-PIXM
  pixm-all                Gather detailed information for PIXM troubleshooting
  pixmc-all               Gather detailed information for LC PIXMC
  pktmgr                  Display Packet Manager information
  platform-sdk            Gather detailed information for platform-sdk
  plcmgr                  Policy Manager
  pltfm-config            Gather detailed information for pltfm-config
  pnp                     Show Technical support for Plug and Play
  port                    Gather detailed information for port manager
  port-channel            Gather detailed information for port channel
  port-client-all         Gather detailed information for LC port client
  port-profile            Gather information for troubleshooting port-profiles
  ptp                     Gather detailed information for PTP troubleshooting
  radius                  Display radius information
  routing                 Display routing information
  rpm                     Display Route Policy Manager (RPM) information
  sal                     Show SAL tech-support information
  san-port-channel        Gather detailed information for san port channel
  satmgr                  Gather detailed information for satmgr
  security                Show tech support information for security
  session-mgr             Gather information for troubleshooting session
  sflow                   Gather detailed information for sflow feature
  single-jericho          Gather detailed information for single-jericho
  sksd                    Show tech support information for sksd
  slowdrain               Gather detailed information for slowdrain
  smm                     Shared memory
  snmp                    Gather info related to snmp
  sockets                 Display sockets status and configuration
  spm                     Service Policy Manager
  statsclient             Gather statsclient tech-support
  stp                     Gather detailed information for STP troubleshooting
  sup-filesys             File-sys related issue
  sysmgr                  Gather detailed information for sysmgr
  time-optimized          Gather tech-support faster, requires more memory &
                          disk space
  track                   Show track tech-support information
  tunnel                  Gather detailed information for tunnel
  udld                    Gather detailed information for udld troubleshooting
  usd-all                 Gather detailed information for LC USD
  vdc                     Gather detailed information for VDC troubleshooting
  virtual-service         Gather information for virtualization services
                          trouble shooting
  vlan                    Gather detailed information for VLAN troubleshooting
  vshd                    Show vshd information for technical support
  vvlan                   Gather detailed information for Voice VLAN
  vxlan                   VxLAN components
  xbar                    Show xbar tech-support information
  xml                     Gather information for xml trouble shooting
  xos                     Cross-OS Library Information and Traces
  |                       Pipe command output to filter

コンフィギュレーション コマンド

2 ステージ コンフィギュレーション コミット を使用することで、Juniper のように commit を使用することができます。

configure dual-stage