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2024年9月4日 (水)

  • 最新 14:552024年9月4日 (水) 14:55Hkatou トーク 投稿記録 3,480バイト +3,480 ページの作成:「== 10G-T トランシーバの制限 == {| class="wikitable" |+[https://www.arista.com/assets/data/pdf/Transceiver-Guide.pdf Platform Support for SFP-10G-T Transceiver] !Platform Family !Platform(s) !Comments |- | colspan="3" |Supported on all SFP25 ports, with any exceptions or restrictions captured below, and supported in select SFP+ ports, listed below. |- | rowspan="3" |7050X Series |7050SX3-48YC8 & 7050SX3-48C8 |Supported on all SFP+ ports (as well as SFP25 po…」 タグ: ビジュアルエディター